Wednesday, August 4, 2010


wat actually u think when it rains?

do u think that the sky's crying?

just like when u're crying alone inside ur room?

at the corner..

crying ur heart out..

wanted to be alone and alone..

when no one even care bout all those tears falling frm ur eyes..

those tears fall, they kept on falling..


u nver know..

that someone's been looking at u, keeping an eye on u..

seeing those tears that flow..

seeing those miserable things that's been happening in ur life..

u nver know who that person was, for it was i am the one looking.

I look at u, look at how miserable ur life is..

destroying ur hopes and dreams..

But at the end, I help u to start everything all over again..

for u have become someone that's important to me..

Together..we forget the past life..

And a new life begins..without any more tears, sorrowness and emptiness
Because I'll be with u, always.. and forever..