Tuesday, August 24, 2010

moi favorite singer and song

I love BoA, The Gazette, and Brian Joo! Hmm, you might not know them, let me explain them one by one, (well..there're still more of them but it'l take lots of time in explaining them all 20 of them inside this post xD nah.. just joking, I got only 10 favorite singers, but among all I choose only 3 BEST ONES in my list :D

1st lets see BoA,

what song I like from this singer. Hmm.. My favorite one, is Energetic, I've watched before, her video clip, in there she together with her dancers where cool. Haha that's all :P

2nd one is The Gazette,

this is actually a Japanese rock band. They're AWESOME. haha xD I love all of their songs ! Especially Cassis, Distress And Coma, Chihiru, and Zetsu ! They sure rock ! Try to check them out :D Eventhough they dress kinda weird, but they're awesome, my favorite members among them are Reita, Uruha and Ruki. Reita's the one got the nose covered with a clothe, Uruha's the gitarist, and Ruki's the vocalist. I once wanted to buy their album, but I can't seem to search where. So.. I just browse the net and find their newest songs and download them :)

The Last but not least, Brian Joo

He's a K-pop singer, well.. He's a new comer in the entertainment. Well..I don't quite sure enough yet. But I love 2 of his songs, which titled Bullet and Tears run dry. It's pretty much good songs I've listened to.

That's all I can say a little bout my favorite singers :P too much of them, can't pick one. So I choose 3 out of some more of them. Haha

Have a nice day :D

Friday, August 20, 2010

Favorite movie ? :D

Hmm..Lets see. I don't really have any favorite movie actually. But if talking about the GENRE OF the movie, I usually perfers more into, comedian, horror, fantasy, and romance kinda movie (like eww. maybe? I don't know lol)

Hmm.. Example of comedian movie I've watched, like "Mr Bean Holiday" ? Something like that, I laugh out loud by the time I see that HILARIOUS movie, it's like Mr Bean's soo damn silly, I couldn't imagine if I were to meet him someday. (Well..I know he won't be that silly in real life.. coz that would be stupid ? lol)

If talking about horror >:D kekeke.. Like the movie, "DEATHTUNNEL!" (If I'm not mistaken :D) That movie, creeps the hack out of me LOL! It's like, "Holy ! What's that ?! (and cover my eyes with both of my hands)" That's the best horror movie I've seen. (Well, that's what I thought in mind though) The thing I've remember from that movie is this, "5 floor, 5 hours, 5 girls." That time in the movie, it's just a joke as in like. But then the leader who make the joke up was killed. By who ? read this next sentece which I'm going to write, "5 floor, 5 hours, 5 girls. But have I mention? 5 GHOST." And that's the voice of the ghost who killed the leader of the game, who made up the joke. If you're interested in watching it and see what happen next. Just watch it yourself. :D

If movie which got a fantasy genre, well, it's like narnia I guess? Well..It can't be say my favorite movie, but it might counts. hahaha :D (short and clear :D)

If romance, noo comment, but sometimes I like to watch them, eventhough I don't know or have forgotten what the title of the movie was. Usually I was companied by family or friends if watching a movie which got a romance in genre :)

Well.. THAT'S ALL! :D This time I've lessen the color of my fonts xD so my post won't hurt any of the readers LOL :D

Just to the point, I watch movie, if I think it's a good movie and if my friends are interested to watch it :D


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

english..hmm..?? >:D

Tell, me what do you think I would say? lmao xD

For me english's something to be learn, cuzzz..aa
almost people around our country ya knoww.. -.-''
spoke lots of English languages? :I
Without English languages, usually it's difficult for us to communicate..WITH other people who don't seem to understand our other languages.
Like for example, I'm an Indonesian person. (well..a little to Malaysian actually, but who cares.. lol JOKES) Then I got this for example, uhm.. British friend, ir Canadian friend (well..got one in school. bahaha). Lets just imagine, make that person which is "our" friend there. His/Her 1st visiting in Indonesia, and then they can't even understand even one word of "our" alien language. lol And you're there, bla bla bla talk talk chit chat with your Indonesian friend, with those alien languages, which is Indonesian language or even worst Chinese language. My God, I'll tell you they'll be lost for sure lol xD
Agreed? or disagreed? well, depends on your mind thoughts about it lol :P
Lets just see, what my mind say bout English, is it IMPORTANT?
WELL...yeshy of course. But don't know bout other people's thoughts, and the reasons too. blah :D
But I say, yeshy of course. Why? cuz I love English (well, depends if the class seems fun, if like my school's english class, so so la. LAWL JOKES, sir don't cut my mark pweasee ? Your class is FUN :D xD Seriously :D)
Hmm.. Whatesle..hmm..humm..hamm..homm..himm...AH! Usually I'm just more interested English lesson than Chinese lesson :D English for me is fun, eventhough sometimes, other people's accent are hard to catch, but I'm trying the best I can to learn more :D wooh!! X3

Additional marks pwease ? :D
thank youu for readdingg this boringgg blog lol~
jokes jokes.. silence! once I found any comment say this english blog of mine is boring..

nah...jokes >:3

arigato for reading this pose. ciao ! :D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


wat actually u think when it rains?

do u think that the sky's crying?

just like when u're crying alone inside ur room?

at the corner..

crying ur heart out..

wanted to be alone and alone..

when no one even care bout all those tears falling frm ur eyes..

those tears fall, they kept on falling..


u nver know..

that someone's been looking at u, keeping an eye on u..

seeing those tears that flow..

seeing those miserable things that's been happening in ur life..

u nver know who that person was, for it was i am the one looking.

I look at u, look at how miserable ur life is..

destroying ur hopes and dreams..

But at the end, I help u to start everything all over again..

for u have become someone that's important to me..

Together..we forget the past life..

And a new life begins..without any more tears, sorrowness and emptiness
Because I'll be with u, always.. and forever..

hmm..bout my life ?

for whoever read my 1st posting. Well, lets see. My name's Hui Kiing, you can call me with my nicknames that are provided, as in FROM myself, ya all can call me HK (but seriously not HONG KONG) lol.. well, at home I was called Elisa, Lisa, or El (L) not from deathnote L. haha.
To saw the truth, I kinda have problems if it's about my life. I had this computer addiction, uhm.. can be say, everytime someone whom kinda disturb my time when I was infront of my computer. I might start to BITE lol.. no jokes xD
Just forget it of what I've said earlier. rofl. Here's my real introduction in my life. Well, the name there's true but if about computer thingy not soo..true. haha :P
Uhmm, I'm a malaysian for sure like you've seen in my about me, and bla bla. I'm 15 years old, goin' 16 this year, and SOONER! lol xD
I was like, omegee..what should I wish for later on ?? Wish for a much better life?? Wish for a much better scores for my achievements and make my parents proud?? (well..that could be say pretty..difficult, cuz I'm kinda stupid for some subjects. tehee xP)
And again never to forget to tell, I'm a grade 10th student, school location around Indonesia, Jakarta, AND I'm a GIRL of course, very LAZY if talking about study, but very EXCITED about art and traveling, eventhough I never travel to any far counrty only around Malaysia, Bali, and Singapore. Hmm..whatelse.. OH ! I'm the oldest child in the family too.. very stressful indeed. Being yells alot of times, and sick of it. But still ok la, better to be yelled at then yelled back and bigger problems come, like sibling fights, family fights and bla bla.
Hmm, sooo...from all of this, can be say that my life's sometimes complicated, stressful, fun and enjoyable. That's all. Have a nice day.. and thanks for reading :)